Gem Stones

Gem encyclopedia

Hazan Unique’s Guide to Gemstones

A buyers guide to

Colors have the ability to calm us, excite us and inspire us to look and feel our best. We all are known by our loved ones to have a favourite colour or two. The story behind gemstones is no different and we are all attracted to one colour or another on the basis of what our soul is seeking for the next chapter of our lives. Gemstones are also determined by your zodiac sign to help you prosper and grow according to the alignment of the stars.

At Hazan Unique we believe that when you make a purchase with us, it is an investment into quality, craftsmanship and beauty. Each purchase is so personal and unique that we want to help you make the right choice for you. In order to make this choice a little easier we have provided a list of gemstones according to your birth month so you can learn more about the stones and yourself.