


Diamonds are made from 100% carbon. Diamonds are the hardest gemstone and as such were used to engrave gemstones in India as early as 300 BC. Diamonds come in a variety of colours of the rainbow – blue, green, orange, red, yellow and brown. Largest rough diamond is the Cullinian diamond weighing 3,106 carats.

Why we love this gemstone


Diamonds are found all over the world and are mined in Africa, Russia, Canada, Australia, India and Brazil. Siberia in Russia and Botswana in Africa are known to be the prime contributors to the world’s diamond supply.


Diamond is a solid 10 on the Mohs scale of hardness implying it is quite a hard stone not easily scratched and therefore a great stone to wear everyday without a worry.


Cleaning can be done in an ultrasonic cleaner for a pure gemstone. Diamonds that have been treated or possess inclusions need to be treated with care and are better cleaned with a lint-free cloth or the usual warm soapy water and brush routine.

Quality Factors


Diamonds have a slight yellow tint. The more colourless the diamond the higher its price. Diamonds range from grade Z (light yellow) to D (colourless).


Measure of purity and clarity of the stone. Stone is considered flawless when there are no inclusions and blemishes under a microscope.


This refers to how a diamond interacts with light and as such impacts the appearance of the stone. A perfect cut will take into account symmetry, proportion and polis ensuring the diamond shines at its most beautiful.

Carat Weight

Diamond price increases with the size as larger sizes are rare. However, two diamonds of the same carat may have different prices because of the other factors such as colour, cut and clarity.

More about this gemstone

Healing Benefits

The eternally coveted diamond gets its name from the Greek word adamas meaning “invincible”. In the Sanskrit language diamonds are referred to as vajra implying lightning. The sparkle of diamonds and their colour makes this a universal gemstone owned by every jewellery addict. It is no wonder then that this is a truly classic and forever gemstone. Diamond is a signifier of love, clarity, purity and will power. This sparkling stone is known to lift the vibration of the wearer and give them immense courage.